@php if(Auth::check()){ $refund = false; $daily_entry = false; if( auth()->user()->shop && auth()->user()->shop->progress_active ){ $refund = \VanguardLTE\Progress::where(['shop_id' => auth()->user()->shop_id, 'rating' => auth()->user()->rating, 'status' => 1])->first(); $daily_entry = \VanguardLTE\Progress::where([ 'shop_id' => auth()->user()->shop_id, 'day' => date('l'), 'rating' => auth()->user()->rating, ])->first(); } if( auth()->user()->shop && auth()->user()->shop->invite_active ){ $invite = \VanguardLTE\Invite::where(['shop_id' => auth()->user()->shop_id])->first(); } else { $invite = false; } $sms_bonus = \VanguardLTE\SMSBonusItem::where(['user_id' => auth()->user()->id, 'status' => 0])->orderBy('id', 'DESC')->first(); $currency = auth()->user()->present()->shop ? auth()->user()->present()->shop->currency : ''; } else{ $daily_entry = false; $refund = false; $invite = false; $sms_bonus = false; $currency = ''; } $rules = \VanguardLTE\Rule::get(); $detect = new \Detection\MobileDetect(); @endphp
{{--If you have any questions or comments, you can send us a letter at any time convenient for you.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida. Risus commodo viverra maecenas accumsan lacus vel facilisis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida. Risus commodo viverra maecenas accumsan lacus vel facilisis.
Welcome to the all-new {{ config('app.name') }} Referral Reward program!
Join the {{ config('app.name') }} community of over 10.000 players who share a passion for fun
spectacular HD graphics and promotional offers!
It’s easy: Invite your Friends and earn UNLIMITED Bonus Play! The {{ config('app.name') }} Referral
program wars designed with YOU in mind. Earn as much as you can for free by welcoming new players to
the {{ config('app.name') }} community. Every referral earns you ${{ $invite ?
number_format($invite->sum, 2,".","") : 0 }} in Bonus Rewards!
Plus, every person you invite gets a free ${{ $invite ? number_format($invite->sum_ref, 2,".","") :
0 }} Bonus when they use purchase code for first-time deposit of ${{ $invite ?
number_format($invite->min_amount, 2,".","") : 0 }}!
We kept things simple for the best possible experience for you and those you refer.
You'll love the ability to privately track your Bonuses in your account directly from
your phone! Let it bulld up or play whenever you like!
{{ config('app.name') }} REFERRAL REWARDS - The Gateway to Unlimited Bonus Play!
It's that simple Play. Invite. Earn. Repeat!
Sum | Type | Spins | Bet | |
![]() |
{{ $item->sum }} | @if( $item->type == 'sum_pay' ) PAY SUM @else ONE PAY @endif | {{ $item->spins }} | {{ $item->bet }} |
Let's have some fun!
Here are a few helpful tips:
After confirming your own valid mobile phone number, proceed on to the next easy steps
* Invite Friends you know and trust. They must be 18 years or older to participate.
* Monitor your Referral Reward Bonuses on your device to see when those you refer complete the
easy steps in their test message invite.
It's that simple Play. Invite. Earn. Repeat!
{{ $error }}